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Wizdo Training & Consulting is a Global talent development firm specialized in facilitator led employee enhancement training. The sessions are capsuled with the best practices of adult learning methodologies, keeping in mind the techniques of high impact experiential learning.Our highly skilled facilitators and coaches come with in-depth knowledge of varied industries ranging from IT, Healthcare, Brand Management, Sales & Marketing to Manufacturing, Retail, Finance, Automotive and Energy.

Our Team

N.K. Mehta

N.K. Mehta, a first generation entrepreneur is passionate about continuous learning and devel-opment. He strongly feels that discliplined hardwork needs no shortcut for success in life! After 14 years being a customer, he comes to Chennai to setup Network & Data Security Company. Being from Kolkata. Chennai was unknown territory and on top of that there was huge language barrier. But he made this weakness as his strength, learned from his mistakes and have setup a well respected niche business. His company has received numerous Best Partner Awards from Top Security vendors of the world. He is now actively into Training & Mentoring budding Enrepreneus.

Ramya Arun

Ramya is a passionate and vivacious trainer with a drive to transform people and bring the best out of them. She keeps her crowd enthralled with her enthusiasm and positive energy and is a much sought after trainer.She deeply believes in the ‘Success Karma! - Work towards Success and Success will work itself towards you!’ Every individual can be successful if they have a determination to achieve, a drive to win and an ability to convert ideas and insights into actions.

Ramya has a prolific experience in the field of IT and has worked with diverse clients around the world in various domains spread over Banking & Finance, Telecom and Retail. Her experience in interacting with the clients and addressing their needs has provided her indepth knowledge of culturally diverse people, values and behaviors,which in turn makes her a people’s person who can easily establish a great rapport with her trainees and make them feel comfortable and facilitate them to meet their needs.

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