Learn - Grow - Inspire

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About Us

Wizdo Training & Consulting is a Global talent development firm specialized in facilitator led employee enhancement training. The sessions are capsuled with the best practices of adult learning methodologies, keeping in mind the techniques of high impact experiential learning.

Our highly skilled facilitators and coaches come with in-depth knowledge of varied industries ranging from IT, Healthcare...

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Facilitator-Led Onsite Training

Half a day (3 hours) to Full day(s) (7 hours). 5 to 40. For larger groups please contact us so that we can suggest...

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Fresh Recruit Employee Grooming

The existing college curriculum produces candidates with good technical knowledge and skills, but do...

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Keynote Speech

The Key note speakers that we provide are leaders in their field of work and knowledge. We suggest speakers...

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Executive Coaching

Coaching is the most powerful transforming tool but, unfortunately, the most under-utilized opportunity...

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Retreat Facilitation

Wizdo Training & Consulting partners with your organization to plan, design and facilitate...

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Organisational Instructional Designing

No matter how good the content is, the expected transformation on the employees depends only...

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Organisational Consulting

There are few gaps which will need to be closed by means of more than just Training and Coaching...

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Transformational Public Workshops

We host public workshops on diverse themes with focus on personal and professional growth...

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motivation, inspiration

How to keep yourself motivated during adverse times

Break it down, go easy: No one can climb a mountain with one step. In the same way, it is not realistic to expect yourself to finish a big task which requires a lot of ...
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online learning for children, online education for kids

How to make sure that your child learn better in a virtual education system

The whole world is suffering from Pandemic as a precautionary measure, Governments across the world have shut down schools and encouraged online classes. There were initial hiccups but this became the new normal with due ...
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